Monday, August 04, 2014

Less than a month to go..


To be exact, I'm left with 18 more days to go for the big day. I still can't believe I am going to be a wife soon but I pray everyday that I will be a good wife to my future husband, a good mother to our kids and may Allah bless our marriage and lead us to Jannah.

As the days get closer, to me it's no longer about how the wedding should be, but it's how my marriage should be. How should be handle our finance, education (duniawi & ukhrawi), children, work and family. It's more realistic than planning a wedding. 

Anyway, the wedding event still goes on. My friends are more excited than me. Even one of my colleague take AL on my wedding day. Haha. Almost everyday they will asked me, "You are getting married this month! Aren't you excited? Can sleep or not? I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to attend." I will always reply, "Maybe I'll be nervous and excited the day before but I just want to get over and done with it and proceed to honeymoon!"  

Then they will asked me if I'll miss my family since I'm not staying with them when I'm married. To be honest la, I know it sounds bad, but I'll miss my cats (Abang & Putri) coz everyday when I wake up or reach home I will hug and kiss them. Irwan banned me from keeping cats once married but I'll say, tapi boleh turun bawah blok jumpe kucing kan? :p

Above is the bouquet I DIY myself. All are fake flowers. I just do the handle with whatever things I have in my craft box. The red flower I bought $10 at bazaar raya while the yellow bouquet is mad from paper. Save $.

Most of my wedding preparations are done. Itinerary are almost done but few days ago at 1am+, while I was sleeping, Irwan called and said, "AWAK!!!!! Itinerary kena tukar!" In a daze, I asked "Why? What happen?" He replied, "Takpe, esk boleh cakap." "Awk ni da la call org 1am plus, biler tanye knp awk ckp esk pulak. Ni mcm mane kite nk tdo balik. Nanti pikiran." Haha.. This is one thing sometimes I have to accept about Irwan, suka sangat kasi org suspense. The script will always be like this:

He: Kalau kite tanye sesuatu boleh tak?
Me: Tanyelah.
He: Takut ayg marah.
Me: Tak marah. Ape dia?
He: Takpe la, tak jadi tanye.
-_- mane tak pikiran

I hope readers will pray for my wedding to go smoothly and may our marriage last till Jannah. Amin! Insyaa Allah, I'll post again one day before my soleminzation. (:

I'll end this post with a very meaningful and interesting lecture my Mufti Menk. It's an eye-opener on marriage:

1 comment:

  1. awww so ur getting married too!! congrats dear :)
