Friday, June 27, 2014

Less than 2 months to go!!!


In less than 2 months, I'm going to be Mrs!

I am more excited to go honeymoon with Irwan than the wedding day itself.

When I first started to plan my wedding, I am so excited! Nk ni.. nak tu. Nak style macam ni. Nak theme macam tu. As the days gets nearer, I really want to get over and done with it sebab banyak pikiran! Mmg kalau ikut adat sungguh kelecehkan, kalau nak.. terus nikah buat makan kecil-kecilan kat rumah.

DIY wedding card & berkat stickers
I'm done with my wedding card last week. Tunggu akhir bulan puasa baru send out. I DIY the card with my best friend help. Print it at Mastercolor 88 printing shop located at Peace Centre. For a good quality printing, the pricing is pretty cheap. I also print out stickers for our candy berkat jars. FYI, that is our own silhouette. Harap2 jangan lah ade budak conteng letak mata ke, mulut ke..hidung. Haha..  By the way, the simple plain white envelopes I bought at the shop beside it. Only $0.90/20 pieces. Mana mau dapat?

Finalize wedding decor
3 weeks ago, met with ISS Wedding design to finalize our deco. Irwan also took the same deco company. I was stuck in between choosing vintage or garden theme. I had seen ISS vintage theme deco before but had never saw garden theme. When I asked ISS, he said that he wanted to do it but none of his customer had request before. So he's glad that I finally asked for it! (:

My idea came when I saw this fake grass backdrop in someone's instagram. 

And here is my visualization which I drew it myself & showed to ISS. However, color scheme will be slightly different.

Itinerary, itinerary oh...itinerary
Currently, I'm stress planning the itinerary sebab you will have to liase with the vendors to ask what time they will be there so that everything will turn out smoothly. The downside of ala-carte  is this. -_- I counted I have 11 different vendors to liaise with.. mak ai! 
1) catering
2) decor
3) photo & video
4) wedding cake
5) gift cake
6) bunga pahar
7) sireh junjung
8) andaman
9) henna
10) photobooth
11) DJ
Kan.. ni padahnya kalau nak save $ sgt. haha. Padahal, all this can get in one package but duit mesti ada. So future DIY, do take note abt this.

I just hope everything will turn out well. Insya Allah. 

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