Thursday, December 27, 2018

The gift & amanah

Dear Syawal, 

I can't believe that you will finally be  a big brother next year! Ibu will really going to miss this time wih you where I could just focus on you only - gave my fullest attention, bring you everywhere anywhere with ease, having 1to1 talk before bed, mother&son bonding activites and lots more. Having you was and will always be my greatest joy. 

When I found out that I was having a boy, I always pictured that it is going to be hair-wrestling moments with full of tantrums, running around & being in tearful stressful situations that I'm afraid I couldn't handle. You know they said "boys are meant to be boys".

But after raising u for more than 3 years, you are totally the opposite character. A soft-hearted son who rarely raise his voice, never laid hands to anyone, easy to control, full of empathy, express yourself with kind words and there's many more of you that I am greatful for. 

I am certain that you are going to be a sweet caring brother & set good examples to your sibling. Everyday I am thankful that Allah has given me this amanah & anugerah to have you in my life. Alhamdulillah...

Last but not least, I am blessed to have my family in law who is extremely helpful in looking after you and bring so much love & kindness. 

Right now, I will just enjoy this smooth pregnancy & seize every moment with you before a family of 3 become 4.

For this 2nd pregnancy, I hope to go through natural labour w/o epidural and really2 watch what I eat during confinement. 2 more months to go...for the sleepless night!

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